Align your teams with AlignAI

People are at the core of AI.
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AlignAI Team

Integrate AI with People at the Core.

Our co-founders have spent over a decade helping enterprises navigate AI risks. Their journey revealed a crucial insight: solving AI development and risk challenges wasn't enough. The real challenge was in AI adoption and value realization. This revelation led to the creation of AlignAI in January 2021, with a mission to balance the natural tension between value and risk.

AlignAI is designed to foster cross-functional collaboration and robust risk management, ensuring enterprises unlock the full potential of their AI investments. At AlignAI, we believe people are central to AI. Our mission is to support companies through this transformative era, helping them integrate AI seamlessly into operations and empower their workforce.

Company Values

Seek the Truth Without Worry of the Credit.



It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit.

- Harry S Truman

Approach Problems With Curiosity and Perseverance.



Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

- Thomas Edison

Seek To Understand Before being Understood.



The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply

- Stephen R. Covey


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